RAINBOWE - Factaraidh Inneal Sock ProifeasantaBogha-frois
Tha sinn ag amalachadh cinneasachadh, margaidheachd agus seirbheis, gu sònraichte a’ dèanamh diofar sheòrsaichean innealan sock.
A bharrachd air an sin, bidh sinn cuideachd a’ toirt seachad uidheamachd taice leithid Inneal dùnaidh Sock Toe, Inneal Bùird Sock, Inneal Dotting Sock, Inneal Tagging Sock agus a h-uile seòrsa de stuthan amh (ACY, SCY, Rubber, Spun Polyester, Polyester DTY, msaa) airson stocainnean a dhèanamh .
Gu ruige seo, chaidh innealan RB a chuir a-null gu Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, na h-Innseachan, Algeria, Ethiopia, msaa. A bharrachd air deagh thoraidhean, tha bun-bheachd seirbheis sàr-mhath againn. Tha an t-seirbheis ro-reic foirfe againn agus an t-seirbheis às-reic air cliù fàbharach a chosnadh am measg ar luchd-dèiligidh, a dh’ fhaodadh cuir às do na draghan agad. Mu dheireadh, fàilte air bathar a 'chompanaidh againn, bheir sinn seirbheis dhut gu tur.
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Why RAINBOWE is Trusted by 1000+ ClientsRainbowe
1. Professional Technical Support
We can not only provide sock machine running videos, but also professional technicians. You can communicate with technicians one-on-one through video calls to ensure that all your after-sales problems are solved.
2. 48 Hours High Speed Operation Test
All sock machines will undergo a 48-hour 330RPM high-speed test after production to ensure that all parts are operating normally. Then machines will be debugged to make socks and finally packaged and shipped.
3. Quality Continues to Upgrade
We are continuously upgrading the quality of the spare parts applied on sock machine, thereby extending the machine life and providing a reliable guarantee for the machine stability and durability as well as its performance, help clients saving not only maintenance costs, but also the sock production costs from the daily machine running.